© Feldbahnmuseum Herrenleite, ?

Herrenleite Light Railway Museum (Lohmen)

Short facts

Light Railway Museum Herrenleite | Lohmen

The vehicle collection of the Historische Feldbahn Dresden currently comprises 95 locomotives and over 340 field railway wagons, almost all of which come from companies in the former GDR, mainly from the Saxon region.

The following events will take place in 2024: (always 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
20.-21.4. railway experience days
18.-20.5. large field railway show at Whitsun
17.-18.8. summer driving days
28.-28.9. autumn field railway show

Gästekarte Sächsische Schweiz
In the Feldbahnmuseum, you will receive a 40% discount on the admission price on presentation of your guest card.

Hiking tip: from Pirna in Hinterland to the Herrenleite light railway museum

On the map

Herrenleite Light Railway Museum (Lohmen)
Herrenleite 10
01847 Lohmen

On the map:
Phone: +49 3501 464546

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