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Here we inform you about measures in the region that restrict tourist activities in the Saxon Switzerland vacation region. >> FAQs

Bad Schandau bridge over the Elbe closed

Elbbrücke Bad Schandau mit Eisenbahnbrücke (Carolabrücke) und dem Lilienstein im Hintergrund© TVSSW/Marko Förster

The Elbe bridge in Bad Schandau (B172) is fully closed for safety reasons. This also applies to pedestrians and cyclists.

Planning for a temporary bridge and a new replacement has begun in parallel with the condition analysis, which is due to be completed by June 2025.

  • The national park railway station Bad Schandau, Krippen and Reinhardtsdorf can be reached via the exit coming from Pirna / Königstein
  • The slip road from Krippen and the national park railway station onto the B172 in the direction of Königstein / Pirna is possible
  • Diversion is via the Elbe bridges in Pirna.

changes public transport

Due to the current closure of the Elbe bridge, NO buses can run between the town of Bad Schandau and the National Park railway station (across the Elbe).

The following alternatives are recommended: Ferry F3/4 Bad Schandau Elbkai - Krippen/Postelwitz, F5 Bad Schandau Elbkai - National Park railway station, F6 Königstein ferry station - Halbestadt
Train U28 Bad Schandau - Rathmannsdorf - Sebnitz as an alternative.

The operating times of the ferries have been extended and use is free of charge.

The bus routes will be operated as follows:

  • Line 241 is divided as follows:
    left-hand Elbe: Pirna - Königstein - Bad Schandau, National Park railway station
    on the right bank of the Elbe: Bad Schandau, Elbkai - Hinterhermsdorf 
  • Line 244 runs on a shortened route: Bad Schandau, National Park railway station - Kurort Gohrisch - Cunnersdorf
  • Line 251 runs shorter on the route: Bad Schandau, National Park railway station - Krippen - Kleingießhübel
  • Line 252 is divided as follows:
    left hand side: Schöna - Krippen - Bad Schandau, National Park railway station
    on the right bank of the Elbe: Bad Schandau, Elbkai - Ostrau - Schmilka
  • Line 253: only runs on the right bank of the Elbe on the route Bad Schandau - Prossen - Rathmannsdorf (change to U28 to the National Park railway station possible) - Porschdorf - Waltersdorf 
  • Line 260 only runs on the right bank of the Elbe on the route: Bad Schandau, Elbkai - Lichtenhain - Sebnitz

Please note that the stops Rathmannsdorf, Brücke and Bad Schandau, Elbbrücke can only be served by line 253.  

current timetables

current state: 17.02.2025

Felsenburg Neurathen CLOSED

© Achim Meurer

It is currently not possible to visit Felsenburg Neurathen due to construction work. The route over the Bastei Bridge is NOT affected.

Background: The many iron bridge footbridges of the Felsenburg are subject to an annual inspection. In addition, the rocks on which the bridges rest are subject to monitoring. In the process, a specialist company has detected rock fluctuations in the single-digit millimetre range. It is known from earlier measurements that fluctuations occur during the course of the day at many rock towers in the Basteige area.
In the past, the municipality of Lohmen, as the tenant of the castle complex, has already carried out extensive repairs to the bridges and railings. The National Park Authority, as the owner of the rock castle, has ensured the stability of the rocks and bridgeheads with many rock protection measures. Repair work on an affected section of rock has now also been arranged at short notice. The company commissioned to carry out the work was able to do so in the last few days. How effectively the repairs can stabilise the rock fluctuations that have been detected still has to be checked by an engineering firm. After that, a decision will be made about the opening of the rock castle. We hope that visits will soon be possible again.


Bohemian Switzerland: Prebischtor, Edmundsklamm gorge and Wilde Klamm gorge

Prebischtor© Z. Patzelt/České Švýcarsko o. p. s.

Here you will find an overview with current hiking suggestions for Bohemian Switzerland as pdf (German version)

  • The Wilde Klamm gorge is open from april to november. The Edmundsklamm gorge remains closed.
  • The hiking trail from Hrensko to Prebischtor is open from april to octobre daily from 10 am to 6 pm and from november to march friday to sunday 10 am to 4 pm.
  • The Gabrielensteig from Mezni Louka to Prebischtor remains closed!
  • Further hiking suggestions in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland can be found here.

Information Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Website of the Bohemian Switzerland Tourism Association

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

New Bastei look-out point is reopened

Neue Basteiaussicht: Steinerne Aussichtsplattform über einer Schlucht, bewölkter Himmel im Hintergrund.© Philipp Zieger

Exciting news: Since February 3rd, 2023, one of our most popular spots, the Bastei, can be fully experienced again. The famous Bastei view is now a "floating" viewing platform made of prestressed concrete. Around 40 cubic meters of concrete were used for this. The construct "floats" over a length of about ten meters above the front part of the bastion rock and only rests on the rock at the back. The barrier-free platform itself is 20 meters long and up to 3.5 meters wide. We look forward to many visitors.



To protect our nature

Wanderer auf Waldweg im Nationalpark, umgeben von dichten grünen Bäumen.© Achim Meurer

Forest commandments apply, to which ALL visitors and hikers should adhere:

  • Firing and smoking is strictly prohibited - fire endangers nature - not only during drought!
  • Entering the forests is at your own risk. Dead or burned trees can fall at any time.
  • Observe the trail commandment and stay on the marked hiking trails.

Information about temporarily impassable trails under Trail Service & Info or on the info phone of the National ParkCenter: +49 (0) 35022 - 502 40.

Public Transport Information

Please find information about public transport including trains, regional trains (S-Bahn), buses, ferries and Kirnitzschtalbahn Tram on these links:
Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (Upper Elbe Transport Network)
Regionalverkehr Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge GmbH (RVSOE) (Saxon Switzerland/Eastern Ore Mountains regional transport network)

For information about timetables and reservations with the Sächsische Dampfschifffahrt (Saxon Steamship Company) please click here

Road Construction Sites

The Landratsamt Sächsische Schweiz District Council provides current information about road construction sites in Saxon Switzerland district on its website:


Landratsamt Sächsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland District Council)

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