Tour operator
AugustusTours GmbH & Co. KG
Proprietor: Anke Herrmann
Turnerweg 6
01097 Dresden
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Part 1: from Pirna to Bad Schandau
AugustusTours GmbH & Co. KG
Proprietor: Anke Herrmann
Turnerweg 6
01097 Dresden
Validity period: 01.04.2025 - 31.10.2025
Total length: 60 km
Difficulty level: medium
There are NO twin rooms (separate beds) available.
5 overnight stays in guesthouses with 3-star standard
5 x sumptuous breakfasts
1 evening meal as a 2-course menu or buffet
Tickets for the hiking days (partly included in the guest card)
1 packet of detailed maps and information material per room
Luggage transport from accommodation to accommodation
Telephone service during the trip
Season | 01.04.2025 - 11.05.2025 05.10.2025 - 31.10.2025 | 12.05.2025 - 04.10.2025 |
double room | 569,00 € per person | 599,00 € per person |
single room | 769,00 € per person | 799,00 € per person |
All guest taxes are NOT included in the tour price and must be paid on site.
Pirna, Bad Schandau
90,00 € per person including breakfast in a double room
122,00 € per person including breakfast in a single room
80.00 per person including breakfast in a double room
117.00 per person including breakfast in a single room
The distances given in the itinerary are the pure hiking stages. The overnight accommodation may differ from the start and finish of the hikes, depending on availability.
Impressions of the Malerweg
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