Start is Sebnitz bus station. From here, walk a short distance on the Wiesenweg along the Sebnitz River, cross the first bridge and turn left past the Museum of Art Flowers and Local History, then turn right into Pfarrgasse, second right into Friedhofstraße and second left onto Bergweg. You are now walking along Bergweg, which later becomes Dr.-Alfred-Meiche-Weg. Above Sebnitz you will soon find the first signpost to the Wachberg (blue line), which reliably leads you through the forest, along the edge of the field, a bit along the road and then up the slope to the first stage destination. On the summit at an altitude of 496 meters, the Wachbergbaude serves Saupsdorfer venison roast with Bohemian dumplings and, in winter, forest-fruity "Gipfelglüher" made to a house recipe by the fireplace. Then the tour leads on a forest path across the border to the 597 meter high Tanzplan (Tanečnice). It is the highest point of the tour. From here it is only downhill back to Sebnitz.