Frinzthal Mill

Short facts

  • Bad Schandau
  • Mill, Destinations

Former mill in Polenztal (near Porschdorf)

The Frinzthalmühle was first mentioned in a document in 1534. It served as a grinding mill for the village of Porschdorf and was powered by the water of the Polenz. In the 19th century, the mill was closed due to the emergence of tourism and the Frinzthalmühle was converted into an inn with a beer garden. In the years that followed, it was a popular destination for excursions. In 1920, the inn ceased to operate and the building was converted into a residential house. Today, the surrounding area and the Frinzthalmühle itself are used as a commercial area. As a result, no remains of the mill's activity have been preserved.

On the map

Frinzthalmühle* Porschdorf
Gewerbehof 54 e
01814 Bad Schandau - OT Porschdorf

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Frinzthalmühle* Porschdorf

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