In the heart of Bad Schandau!
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In the heart of Bad Schandau!
Christian Heinze
Marktstraße 10
01814 Bad Schandau
On the map:
Phone: 035022 - 4 23 43
Fax: 035022 - 4 06 66
Note: Change of route due to full closure of the Elbe bridge Bad Schandau (B172)
Arrival by car from Dresden via the A17 motorway to the Pirna exit and continue in the direction of Pirna. Due to the bridge closure, you must take the diversion via the Ziegenrücken.
Travelling by train on national rail services - travel to Dresden main station and from Dresden take the S-Bahn S 1 (Dresden-Schöna) to Bad Schandau station. On international rail services, you can travel directly to Bad Schandau. From the railway station, take the Elbe ferry to the Elbkai. From there it is a 5 minute walk to the guesthouse.
Timetable information:
Car park:
Elbkai Bad Schandau
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