© Midjourney / Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V.


Walk with alpacas

Short facts

  • Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel
  • 23.02. – 25.05.2025Dates overview
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Hike, Families/children,…

Experience an approx. 1.5 hour walk with our 4 alpacas through the beautiful nature in Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel.

Let yourself be transported to another world. The world of alpacas
Alpacas live in the here and now and therefore radiate an enormous, earthly presence. They know no time pressure and react extremely sensitively to stress. 
Take the opportunity to perceive how your environment feels again on my hike with the alpacas - smell the fresh air, the forest and the ground. Let your gaze wander into the distance once again, take in the magic of nature and (re)discover yourself and your surroundings.

The alpacas will help you!

The animals will guide you back to calm, serenity, relaxation and a moment of inner peace. Enter into a unique bond with the animals and feel how your movements gradually align, how you can literally hear your animal's thoughts, how you become more attentive and mindful and how your communication is reduced to body language and the smallest signals. Experience the unmistakable exchange via the spoken language - the humming - of the alpacas.
Your interest is piqued?
That's great!

Experience an approx. 1.5 hour walk with our 4 alpacas through the beautiful nature in Bad Gottleuba/Berggießhübel.

The number of participants is limited to 4 alpaca-leading people, so we will be walking in a small group. Accompanying persons can join us at any time. And of course you can also take turns leading with your companion.

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On the map

Alpakaspaziergang in Bad Gottleuba
Thomas-Müntzer-Str. 5
01816 Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel

On the map:
Mobile: +49 173 6932137
Website: www.soul-speaker.de

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